How To Host a Virtual Meeting?

Tech Adaptika Solutions Inc.
3 min readMay 7, 2021


Tech Adaptika

We live in a day and age where personal interactions are on the decline and engagements on virtual platforms are becoming the new norm. One reason for their popularity is that they are a safer option due to the pandemic. Also, virtual meetings help companies save on huge amounts that are usually spent on airfare, accommodation and entertainment costs. Furthermore, cutting down on travel helps businesses reduce their carbon footprint and preserve the environment.

As a result of this popularity, there are several live virtual campuses that allow you to hold meetings virtually. So if you want to switch to virtual meetings, here is a step by step guide on hosting a virtual meeting:

Lay Down the Ground Rules for the Meeting

Your employees would have started working from home and attending meetings virtually post the pandemic. It is a new area for them and to maintain the decorum that you observe in the office, lay down ground rules that your employees must follow during the meeting. From the dress code to basic etiquette on virtual meeting platforms, lay down the guidelines in clear terms.

These guidelines can include basic etiquette such as participating in the meeting with their videos on, muting their speakers during the meeting, avoiding eating during the meeting on virtual meeting platforms etc.

Make Your Attendees Comfortable Before the Meeting

Meetings on virtual meeting platforms can be intimidating for a lot of your employees. Virtual meetings are still new and several of your employees will confirm that they feel awkward about their roles during the call. You can ask your employees to present quick intros or play a small game that allows the attendees to know each other and get comfortable. Check out the options on leading providers of live virtual campuses such as Tech Adaptika for holding your next virtual meeting.

Draw a Structure on Engagement during the Meeting

You do not want your meeting to be chaotic with all your participants speaking at the same time. Draw a structure that defines each attendee’s role, the actions they need to take to ask questions, make suggestions or give feedback on the virtual meeting platform.

Keep Everyone on the Same Page

Draft your agenda clearly so that all your attendees know what to expect on the virtual meeting platform. During a virtual meeting, you want everyone to be in sync. Use virtual meeting platforms such as Tech Adaptika where you have tools that allow you to share documents and screens for presentations and virtual whiteboards.

Reach Out for the Best Virtual Experiences

Tech Adaptika offers expertise in designing virtual experiences that are as live and interactive as life. From providing virtual meeting platforms for holding events, enabling remote work and facilitating live virtual campus. Connect with us by calling at (1) 866–900–0658 or writing to us at HelloFuture@AdaptiKa.Tech. We would love to help! To know more visit:

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